
Exhibitor Resource Center


Welcome to the Pawn Expo 2024 Exhibitor Resource Section, where you will find answers to all things Expo!

Step 1: View conference schedule and activities HERE. 

Step 2: Secure Badges for Both Yourself and Your Staff 

  • 10×10 booths get 2 complimentary full conference badges.
  • Code sent via email (from: must be used in order to get discount.
  • Use Registration Type: Exhibitor Member (or non-member)
  • Select Package: Full conference (includes conference, receptions and Expo)
  • Do not insert credit card number until you have used all your complimentary registrations. 
  • Early Bird rate ends May 12 for additional staff.

Step 3: Book Hotel Room

  • Conference, Jewelry Exchange and Industry Insights begin on Monday, July 22.
  • Expo set-up is Tuesday 8:30 – 5pm.
  • Expo floor opens Tuesday 5pm.
  • Expo floor closes Thursday at 12:30pm. Breakdown will follow. 

We do not deal with any third-party vendors in selling hotel rooms. If you are solicited, it is a scam!

Step 4: Purchase Your Electricity, Wifi, and Audio Visual 

  • The venue provides free Wi-Fi, but it may not be sufficient for your needs. Plan accordingly.
  • If you need an electrical outlet at your booth, electricity must be purchased. (Exception to this – Power strips and cords will be provided for vendors participating in the Jewelry Exchange room).
  • Note: electricity does not include poles, crossbar, and individual lights. These need to be purchased from the expo company in the next step.

Step 5: Rent Booth Furniture and Accessories – Advance discount ends June 21, 2024.

  • 10×10 booths include: two chairs, a table, identifying sign, waste basket.
  • Additional furnishings, light pole packages, sign holders, jewelry cases should be rented from RPMxpo. Refer to Expo Kit on this page for pricing.
  • Exhibitors must take care not to block adjoining booths.
  • Back wall maximum height is 8 feet, and side walls are 3 feet.

Step 6: Email Your Insurance Certificate – Deadline May 1, 2024

  • Exhibitors must submit a certificate of insurance, no exceptions.
  • You may purchase through NPA contracted vendor for approx. $99 or submit a rider from your insurance policy. We need a certificate of insurance that lists NPA and Paris Hotel Las Vegas as co-insured.
  • Click here to purchase insurance.
  • Email insurance certificate to

Step 7: Purchase Lead Retrieval App – Deadline June 21, 2024

  • Purchase a lead capturing app or device from ATS.
  • Additional license bundles are available. 

Step 8: Ship Your Goods to Arrive at Pawn Expo

  • Ship to RPMxpo Warehouse for arrival beginning June 21, with last day of arrival on July 12.
  • These delivery dates will ensure best pricing with no surcharge, and guarantee your merchandise will be at your booth for set-up July 23.

Step 9:

Review Conference Guidelines and Regulations (Security, Marketing, Cancellation, etc)

Please note: Exhibitors are permitted to showcase their company logo ONLY on promotional items distributed at Pawn Expo. The NPA and Pawn Expo logos should not be used in any way without prior NPA approval.

Step 10: Add a Sponsorship, Industry Insight or something extra to make your marketing dollars work for you.Our Business Development Team is ready to customize a package based on your marketing needs. Contact

Enjoy the show!

Your 10x10 Booth Includes:

  • 1 – 8’ high Backwall Drape – Blue/ White
  • 2 – 3’ high Sidewall Drape – Blue
  • 7” x 44” Booth ID Sign
  • 1-6’ White Draped Table
  • 2– Black Side Chairs
  • 1 Waste Basket

Note: Exhibit floor is carpeted with a blue/red/gold pattern.

Please refer to the Rules and Regulations linkfor information about noise levels and show floor.  



Where do I find information about shipping, storage, material handling, furniture ordering and labor, along with deadlines and other booth related items?

RPMXPO is the official service contractor for Pawn Expo 24. You will receive an email directly from RPMXPO with a unique login and password. To access the link, please click here RPMxpo Ordering. Please write down your password and if you need to recover it, please contact the Customer Service Department at 678-742-7310/

Although using the online ordering system is highly recommended, for reference purposes, we have provided a link above.


How Do I Order Electricity, Wi-Fi/Internet, AV equipment?

All utility services, technology, and AV go directly through the Paris Hotel expo center and not RPMXPO. Please visit Encore Services and select PAWN EXPO 24 to create a username and password unique to you. Click here to begin the ordering process If you have any trouble logging in, visit Encore Services Ordering; call: 702-967-4300 or email at Paris Hotel is a cashless facility, so all exhibitor orders made through this system are credit/debit card only.

Do I need to purchase electricity?

Yes. While the Paris Hotel has overall building electricity, exhibitors need to purchase the outlets/voltage that will be necessary for your specific lighting and equipment needs. The booths do not automatically come with electrical outlets. Please purchase online through Encore Services Ordering. Please also refer to pages 40-43 of the Expo kit.

Lighting Packages:

Please note that information on a lighting package (crossbar, two 8’ uprights) is on page 19 of the expo kit. Note: This package does not include stem lights nor electricity. You need to bring your own clip-on lights and purchase electricity from Encore. Please order your package at RPM Expo Ordering.

Glass Cases:

Glass Display Cases have internal fluorescent lighting and are on page 18 of the Expo kit. To order your cases go to RPM Expo Ordering.

Do I need to purchase W-Fi/Internet?

Probably. The Paris Hotel offers Public Wi-Fi on an “as is” and “as available” basis. The public network is not a secure network and is subject to interference beyond the Hotel’s control. The reliability of the basic internet at the convention venue is not guaranteed. Depending on your business needs, it may be advisable to purchase a premium enhanced internet connection using the information on-line Encore Services Ordering. Please refer to pages 44-48 of the Expo kit.

What about AV? Audio Visual equipment for your booth must be rented from the in-house AV team, Encore Services Ordering. Please refer to pages 49-55 of the Expo kit.

How can I display / hang signs in my booth?

Signs and banners can be hung in booth, provided they do not block other booths or aisles. Signs can be hung from the pipe using a “S” hook or zip ties that you provide, nothing can be pinned, stapled or taped to drape. Stand-alone sign holders can be ordered at RPM Expo Ordering


May I offer food and beverage in my booth?  

Yes, you may offer food and beverage in your booth. All items MUST be purchased through the Paris Hotel. Please refer to the Exhibitor Services Manual or contact us at  for more information.  


Are meals provided for exhibitors who have a table at the Jewelry Exchange?

Due to the hours of the exchange, a light lunch will be provided only on Tuesday July 23, at the close of the exchange 11:45 A.M.  


Are meals provided for my staff during trade show hours on Wednesday and Thursday?  

All registered staff will have access to all meals served in the Exhibit Hall. Exhibitors may participate in these events provided their booths are staffed.  


All exhibitors agreed to the following Pawn Expo 24 Convention Rules & Regulations Governing the Exhibit  as part of their booth contract, All exhibitors and attendees of Pawn Expo24 are also responsible for adhering to the Facility guidelines of the Paris Hotel, as well as the Fire Marshall Guidelines.


How much do hotel rooms cost, and how do I make my room reservation?  

Please use this link to obtain the NPA room block discount.  We will not solicit you with hotel offers.  Any solicitor is not affiliated with the NPA and should be considered SPAM.


What are the insurance requirements for exhibitors?  

Exhibitor Liability Insurance Program

As a standard requirement for all our show exhibitors, it is necessary for you to carry general liability coverage from an insurance company in good standing with minimum policy limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate. Insurance Coverage is not optional.

This insurance must be in force during the lease dates of the event, July 21-25, 2024, naming National Pawnbrokers Association

(P.O Box 420, Victor, NY 14564) as the certificate holder. The following must be named as additional insured: National Pawnbrokers Association and Paris Las Vegas.

Rainprotection Insurance Program

If you do not have insurance, or you would rather not use your own insurance, (similar to when you rent a car – so that claims would not be filed against your policy), we have set up a program with Rainprotection Insurance through which, you can purchase

compliant insurance instantly online.

Benefits of using this program:

  • No Deductible – unlike your corporate policy, Rainprotection’s policy has no deductible. Should there be a claim, you will have no out of pocket costs and your future rates will not go up since you would not need to submit a claim on your policy.
  • No Hassles – you will not need to go back and forth with your broker adding additional insureds and making your insurance compliant with show requirements.
  • Coverage for exhibitors who do not have an existing policy.
  • Coverage for international exhibitors whose insurance will not cover them in the U.S.A.
  • Easy and Inexpensive to purchase instantly online.
  • Already pre-filled with all the proper show information.
  • Submitted to show management for you – Once purchased, they automatically receive a copy.

Make This Process Simple – Purchase Your Insurance Now and Forget About It

Click here to purchase your Liability Insurance for $99 (plus applicable taxes)

Certificates of insurance must be received by the NPA no later than May 1, 2024.

 Please email to Veronica Costanza, no later than May 1, 2024.  


Exhibitors may sign up for the optional Lead Retrieval App directly from ATS (American Trade Show Services. There are options to use their handheld Mobile Plus machine, their iPad mini plus or use your own devices with Leads Plus. There are bundle packages available which includes first license.  Deadline for show rate is June 21, 2024. 



The official pre- and post-show attendee list containing mailing addresses (no email addresses or phone numbers) will be provided to exhibitors via email. The pre-show list will be sent the week of June 15 and the post-show list will be sent following Pawn Expo.


Do not purchase lists from any outside vendors as they do not have the official NPA verified list of attendees. For other ways to directly reach exhibitors with your message, email


Do I need to register myself and/or staff to gain access to the show floor?  

Yes, you must register each member of your staff who will be on the show floor prior to the show by July 1, 2024.  For each 10’ x 10’ booth, two complimentary full convention registrations will be issued. This includes all conference sessions, all complimentary meals, reception and Gala.  Please use the code that was emailed to you during onboarding.  These are to be used by eligible booth personnel only.  No children under 16 are permitted.  Click  here  to register.  


What if I have more staff coming? Can they register, and how much does it cost?  

All staff must be registered prior to the show.  Exhibitors may register additional staff for the trade show only rates fluctuate based on timing.  Best rates are on the Early Bird Special ($250 for members) which ends May 12. 


Guest tickets that include both the Welcome Reception Tuesday and the Gala Dinner on Wednesday may be purchased separately or added to an Expo only registration.


 To register additional booth staff, go to registration.



What is the difference between the full convention registration and trade show only registration for my staff?  

You and any of your staff that are registered for the full convention have single access per ticket to all sessions on the agenda, all receptions (including  the exhibit hall, admission to the Awards Luncheon , breakfast, lunches and receptions).  If you are not an NPA Industry Partner member, you do not have access to any “Member Only” events.  

Any of your staff that is registered as trade show only have access to only the exhibit hall events: the show floor.  This includes the meals being served on the show floor as well as the Welcome Reception on the show floor Tuesday evening. No sessions or Galas are included with this ticket. 


Can my staff attend the education sessions and networking events?  

Any of your staff that are full convention registrants may attend all convention events, unless otherwise noted as “Pawnbroker Only” events. If you are not an NPA Industry Partner member, you do not have access to any “Member Only” events.   


Click click here to download PAWN EXPO 24 RULES AND REGULATIONS for Exhibitors.


Will there be security at the show? Will there be a secure room?   

NPA will provide general security services at all times during the trade show and throughout the night. An overnight secure room will be available to exhibitors for items such as jewelry if you wish to use it. The room will be available starting Monday, July 22 from 5pm – through 10 AM on Thursday July 25. Exhibitors are required to bring their valuables in a secure locked container or briefcase.  We encourage exhibitors to bring or make arrangements to have their own safe on the show floor. 


Where can I rent a Safe? 

Safes are available to rent for the show from a third-party supplier.  The exhibitor can choose to have the safe housed in the NPA on-site safe room or to have it placed in their booth on the expo hall for the duration of the show.  Once the safe is delivered and placed (on Monday July 22) it CANNOT be moved. Exhibitors must mark the exact location on their floor plan when submitting their form.  Jewelry Exchange vendors that choose to place their safe at their expo booth can have access beginning Monday evening July 22. This is an optional service, and vendors are required to email their attached form to and not to the NPA.  Deadline for all payments and forms is May 31, 2024. 


If you require special security services for your booth, please contact Veronica Costanza   



Where can I find exhibitor information about The Jewelry Exchange?

Click here  to visit The Jewelry Exchange page for more information. Please note that for 2023 all Jewelry Exchange exhibitors will be provided with all furniture, an identifying sign, power strips and electricity for their table for July 17 and 18.  Electricity for expo floor booth must still be purchased.  Due to tight spacing, signs and banners are discouraged.  A company name sign is provided.  Branded tablecloths are suggested.

Jewelry Exchange Hours: Monday  July 22 : 2:00 PM – 5:30 PM

                                            Tuesday  July 23:  8:45 AM – 11:45AM

Questions? Please contact Veronica Costanza at


When is setup and breakdown?  

Setup Hours:   Tuesday, July 23, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm   

Breakdown Hours:  Thursday, July 25 – 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm  

Early breakdown is not permitted. Penalties, up to loss of booth for future year(s), will be applied to any exhibitor who breaks down early.  

Exhibitors are not permitted to be in the exhibit hall outside of the setup and breakdown hours, other than when the trade show is open.  This will be strictly enforced for security purposes.    


What if I need additional time to setup or breakdown?  

If you require setup or breakdown time outside of the posted hours, you must make arrangements in advance with Veronica Costanza


What are the trade show Expo hours?  

Tuesday, July 23 – Tradeshow Welcome Reception – 5PM – 7PM

Wednesday July 24 – Trade Show – 10:00AM-5PM  

Thursday July 25 – Trade Show — 9:30AM-12PM  

Don’t forget that your booth must be staffed at all times and early breakdown is not permitted.  Any exhibitor that breaks down and/or leaves early will be penalized.  


Before the Show:  

  • Complete the Pawn Expo 10 Steps to Exhibiting Success to ensure you are prepared for the show.  
  • Review RPMxpo Ordering on-line to arrange shipments and order booth related items. Early Bird ordering ends
  • Do not forget to order electricity, Internet and AV from Encore Services Ordering
  • Prepare 3-6 engaging questions to ask customers.  
  • Determine your main message. Make it a single, memorable statement.  
  • Set measurable goals for the show.  
  • Pack a supply box with things like pens, scissors, tape, paper clips, business cards, charger cords, and other supplies.  
  • Visit your booth like an attendee would and note your impression/experience.  
  • Sign up for lead retrieval app

During the Show:  

  • Establish a dress code for your staff – avoid things like shorts and flip flops. If they look professional, they will act it, and better represent your company.  
  • Have open body language. People can read attitude and closed body language.  
  • Stand in your booth, do not sit.  
  • Always greet people with a genuine smile and show enthusiasm for your product/service.  
  • Keep your booth neat and clean. Store excess materials under the draped table or behind the curtain.  
  • Set up your booth so people can enter it. Do not just sit behind the table.  
  • Give away a promotional item that they can use at the show such as luggage tags, hand sanitizer, customized notepads, or other items.  
  • Do not chew gum or eat at your booth. Breath mints are always a good idea.  
  • Remember to ask questions instead of just giving a sales pitch.   
  • Try the 80/20 rule – 80% listening, 20% talking. Those who listen more tend to have greater success.  
  • Staff your booth always.  
  • Appeal to people’s 5 senses:  sight, touch, smell, sound, and taste.  
  • Host a demonstration of your product/service in your booth.  
  • Use the mobile app to scan attendee’s QR codes and make notes in the app to qualify the leads or make notes on business cards to remember them better and be able to give more personalized follow up.  
  • Do not close early.  
  • Choose your booth for 2025 in Atlanta with Jody during re-sign. 

After the Show:  

  • Follow up in a timely manner with personalized correspondence.  
  • Prioritize your follow up by category – hot leads, strong prospects, possible customers.  
  • Thank attendees during your follow-up correspondence.  
  • Two weeks post show, NPA will email final list of attendees to logistics contact for each exhibitor. List will have Company names, mailing addresses and attendee names only.
  • Continue to remind attendees of your products, deals …. by advertising in National PawnBroker Magazine and reviewing our digital options with Jody Kudless,
  • Secure your booth for 2025 in Atlanta.